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Brang Foundation Grant Application 2023
Please provide the information listed below. The information you submit will be helpful to the Trustees of the foundation as they consider applications. The Trustees generally meet in May to consider applications, but may hold additional meetings.

Name of organization applying for grant funds: *
The Brang Foundation holds a 501c(3) designation with the IRS. It is limited to making charitable grants to other organizations with that same status. Most schools, churches and government entities (city & state) are also qualified for funds through the foundation. In some cases, organizations who do not have the necessary IRS status can be funded through a qualifying organization. If you are applying for funds as part of the an organization (school, city, church, etc) you must give the organization a copy of your application and share the name of the person to whom a copy was given.

A copy of this application was given to:
Date of application *
Does this applicant have a 501c(3) IRS designation? *
If the answer to the above question is no (applicant does not have 501c(3) status) please email a letter from the qualifying organization that has agreed to receive funds on behalf of the applicant to and complete the following:

What 501c(3) organization will receive funds on behalf of the applicant?
The remaining questions focus on the details of your project.

What is the total cost of the program/project?
What funds will be provided by the applicant? *
What funds will be contributed by others? *
Amount requested from the Brang Foundation *
Please describe your project or need. Include any information that will be helpful to trustees.  *
Email address: *
Address: *
Phone number: *
Please type your name as the applicant/contact person.
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