2025 Starbuck Vintage & Artisan Market

The Starbuck Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to sponsor the 3rd Annual Starbuck Vintage & Artisan Market on August 1-2 2025!

Do you have repurposed furniture, vintage clothing or antiques to sell? Are you an artist or craftsperson who creates fine art, crafts or other hand-made products? Sign up to participate in our outdoor Vintage & Artisan Market on Friday, August 1 and Saturday, August 2. Market hours are Friday from 4 to 8 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can set up anytime Friday afternoon. We are also looking for food truck vendors—please contact us about a separate registration and pricing.

The Market will take place on a busy summer weekend in Starbuck on the South side of Starbuck City Park. On Saturday, the Lake Minnewaska Classic Car Show runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will also be a Farmers’ Market nearby featuring not only local farm produce and flowers, but wines, beers and other unique foods by our local businesses! Plus, the Park will be bustling with family reunions and people venturing to the nearby city beach.

The fee is $50 (to be paid in advance) for each 10-foot x 10-foot space. Your cancelled check will serve as verification of your reserved space. Please note that canopies measuring more than 10 feet will require two spaces. We will provide an 8-foot table and 2 folding chairs, if requested with your registration. Canopies, tents and/or rain protection, if desired, will be your responsibility. Vendor spaces will be assigned by the Chamber committee.

The registration deadline is July 15, 2025. There will be no refunds for cancellation.

Vendors and shoppers will enjoy gorgeous views and breezes from Lake Minnewaska from the Market. The tree-lined City Park also offers shoppers shady spots to sit and enjoy a snack or lunch from our food trucks or Starbuck’s award-winning DQ!

If you have any questions about the Vintage & Antique Market, please contact the Chamber Office at 320-239-4220 or e-mail starbuckchamber@gmail.com.

Please register to participate by returning the form below with your advance payment to:

Starbuck Area Chamber of Commerce
Attn: Vintage & Artisan Market Vendors
P.O. Box 234
Starbuck, MN 56381



Vendor Registration



Please enclose full amount of vendor fee and tax permit ID number.


Telephone #_____________________________________

Business Name__________________________________________________________________



Description of Items to be Sold _____________________________________________________________________________

E-mail Address ________________________________________________________________

(We will e-mail your space number ahead of time)

Do you plan to use a canopy? (Please circle) Yes No

How many spaces do you need? (Please circle) 1 2 3

Check if you need: an 8-foot table ______             2 folding chairs ______

I have read the above rules and regulations. I understand that the Starbuck Area Chamber of Commerce, the City of Starbuck, board members, or any other entity involved with the Starbuck Vintage & Artisan Market will not be responsible for loss or accidents.


Tax Permit ID #_________________________________________

Total amount enclosed: $________ (Check payable to “Starbuck Area Chamber of Commerce”)