Starbuck’s Lakeshore Park • Holly Skogen • Glacial Lakes State Park


Contact the park at (320) 239-2525

Since its origination in 1926, the park has undergone continuous improvements. Six shelters provide an excellent setting for family reunions, large groups and civic picnic events and has electrical outlets. There are a number of picnic tables throughout the park as well. To reserve shelters, call (320) 239-2525.

A Band Shell is located near the lake and plays host to concerts, church services, celebrations and other civic events through out the year. A beautiful Colonial Style Shoofly was built near the lake, providing a peaceful place to idle away summer hours.

There is Playground Equipment and accessible swing sets. The Lake Shore Park also features such as Horseshoe Pits for those who enjoy the sport and competition. Tennis Courts are also available. Friends of the Lakeshore Park are fundraising for improvements to the park and improving accessibility.


At the south end of the park is the Charles Branch Memorial Field, where a Softball Diamond was built in 1978.  Park lights have been placed around the field for night activities. A Basketball Court has been added to the memorial field as well as an up to date Skateboard facility and a lighted parking lot was built between the ball diamond and the swimming beach.


Glacial Lakes State Park is located five miles south of Starbuck and is at the crossroads between the original prairie land to the west and the central hardwood forests to the east.  Its hills and valleys graphically show the impact of glaciers that covered this area 10,000 years ago.  There are several lakes, ponds and marshes in the park.  The park offers over 40 campsites in the shade of oak trees.  A swimming beach features crystal clear water, nature trails, walk-in campsites, a group camping area, a picnic area and boat ramp, canoe and rowboat rentals, snowmobile trails, cross country ski trails, and horseback riding.  Fishermen can angle for largemouth bass, northern pike and panfish.For reservations please call the park at 320-239-2860 for information. Please leave a message if no answer and someone will return your call.


25022 County Road 41, Starbuck, MN 56381
Phone (320) 239-2860 fax: (320) 239-4605


Holly Skogen Park, also known as the Troll Park by local children.  It is owned by the city of Starbuck for the enjoyment of its citizens and visitors.   Approximately 2,000 visitors sign the guest book each year.







Holly Skogen Park, also known as the Troll Park by local children has its entrance near the intersection of West 6th Street and Holly Ridge Drive near the west outskirts of Starbuck, MN.

It is owned by the City of Starbuck.   Arne Pederson began its development in 1986.  This two acre park is open to the public and attracts many groups of visitors each year.  Visitors love to walk along the stone-lined trails which wind their way through a thick growth of trees and brush.  Part of the trail follows a small stream, fed by springs near the center of the park.  Seven bridges, one of which is a covered bridge, span the stream.  A dam in the stream produces a nice waterfall which also turns a water wheel for a minature flour mill.

A number of trolls and gnomes have taken up residence in this park and are pleased to welcome you!  They are happy in this unique place where there are many beautiful rocks and flowers, a gazebo, a post office, a replica of a Norwegian Stav Church, some old horse machinery, and some subtle Norwegian humor!  Adult visitors are welcome to stroll through this park on their own, but children must be supervised.