Starbuck Farmers Market
The Starbuck Depot W Depot Ln, Starbuck, MN, United StatesAdd more details here....
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Veterans, Auxiliary members, and guests are welcome. Gusts will be charged $10 for their meal. Happy hour from 5:00 to 6:15, meal served at 6:30 followed by entertainment by DC and Hawk from 7:00 to 10:00.
Banquet tickets can be purchased at the Minnewaska Area High School or online at, search for Minnewaska Area. Deadline is September 15th.
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Hidden Figures Based on a true story about a team of African-American mathematicians who played a vital role in NASA during the early years of the U.S space program.
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Shop local businesses and vendors at the Christmas Open House. Displays set up at the VFW Community Room. Kids craft table.