The Starbuck Depot & Bike Rentals
The Depot was placed on the National Historical Register in 2006. The Northern Pacific Depot was built in 1882 and the last train left on July 15th, 1982. In 1986, a renovation project began and now the depot is the host to community festivities. In May, they celebrate Lefse Dagen Days, which is in celebration of the World’s Largest Lefse that was made on July 1, 1983. This year marks its 25th anniversary! It measured 9’8″ and weighed in at 70 lbs. In September they celebrate Eple Tiden, which is the Norwegian title for “Apple Time”. Also added in November 2007 is the Starbuck School Museum. There you will find interesting memorabilia.
Recently in 2023 the Starbuck Chamber of Commerce has added free of charge Bike rentals ( non electric) located at the DEPOT. Bring a credit card (registration purposes) and a smart phone to download the On Bike share app. Directions are located by the bikes. Bikes are available for rental from 6:00 am-8:00 pm from May to October.
We would like to thank the sponsors for the bikes share program: Eagle Bank, Samuelson Drugstore, Starbuck Chamber and the Starbuck VFW Auxiliary,